BLOOD are about to release their new maxi-single, titled “Elizabeth” on October 26, 2011!
But aside from the news about their new single, there’s also something else the band wants to announce to foreign fans: the group will be coming to the United States and Canada for a short tour
Category: 🎵 ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei)
ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) started to form in Japan in the 1980’s, creating a genre where the visual performance of the artist is just as important as the music they make. The name itself is derived from the slogan “Psychedelic Violence Crime of Visual Shock”, which was seen on the cover of X Japan’s second studio album “Blue Blood”, released in 1989.
By combining the often flamboyant and androgynous looks with their music, these artists tell the story of their works in a more theatrical way than other genres worldwide often do. The visual presentation also allows these artists to express themselves individually in their own creative style.
While ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) is the “top” of the genre, there are a lot of artists who can’t be categorized in any of it’s many subgenres but still have the ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) style in their works. That’s why we’ve collected them here, as well as bands from other countries that have been inspired by this unique genre.
Tokami announces new album “Resurrection”
Tokami are about to release their new album, titled “Resurrection” on November 8, 2011!
The album will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the release date is set for early November, you can secure your copy early starting at October 11 at the release party in 池袋BlackHole
marlee announces new anime cover album “1st PROTOTYPE WARS”
marlee are about to release their new anime cover album, titled “1st PROTOTYPE WARS”, on December 7, 2011!
The album will be released through Darkest Labyrinth, and even though the release date is set for early December, you can secure your copy early by purchasing it as early as October
ネガ (NEGA) // European tour 2011 at Tivoli de Helling
During their “Europe tour 2011” ネガ (NEGA) stopped at Tivoli de Helling on September 20 to play their show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.
We also went to check out their performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos on our portfolio,
ネガ (NEGA) // Combining vampires, horror and Visual Kei
The current European tour also marks the very first time here for the four members, but what do we know about these vampires, really? Despite this interview being done in a bit of a rush, I didn't want to keep anything from you.
So let's go!
View More ネガ (NEGA) // Combining vampires, horror and Visual Kei
ミサルカ (Misaruka) announces new single “-Cailleach Rosary-”
View More ミサルカ (Misaruka) announces new single “-Cailleach Rosary-”
大蛇 (OROCHI) // Europe tour 2011 at Winston KINGdom
During their “Europe tour 2011” 大蛇 (OROCHI) stopped at Winston KINGdom in Amsterdam on April 4 to play their show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.
We also went to check out their performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos on
Versailles // Lyrical Sympathy: I want to simply bloom like a pure rose
“Lyrical Sympathy” gives off an aura of sentimental despair. While the feelings of being shrouded in despair are consistently evident throughout the album, Versailles does not limit themselves to one style of delivery. The natural flow of melody, from intensity to calm and back again,
HITT // “Because It’s Love” European tour 2011 at P60
During his “Because It’s Love” European tour HITT stopped at P60 in Amstelveen on February 18 to play his show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.
We also went to check out their performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos
HITT // “I wanted everyone to aim their eyes at me since I was born.”
Before his show in P60 in Amstelveen I sat down with HITT to ask him some questions about the European tour, but also about himself as a musician. Because it's not every day that you hear someone say they're a multi-instrumentalist...
View More HITT // “I wanted everyone to aim their eyes at me since I was born.”
-OZ- // “A FACT OF LIFE” Europe tour 2011 at Tivoli de Helling
During their “A FACT OF LIFE” Europe tour -OZ- stopped at Tivoli de Helling in Utrecht on January 25 to play their show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.
We also went to check out their performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos
Versailles // PRINCE & PRINCESS: Take away my heart and I’ll never let you go
View More Versailles // PRINCE & PRINCESS: Take away my heart and I’ll never let you go