葉月 (HAZUKI) // 蓮華鏡 (Rengekyou): Putting my overlowing tears into a song

While 葉月 (HAZUKI) is mostly known for the darker style that borders between rock and metal with lynch., his solo works take a completely different approach with a symphonic style. And 葉月 (HAZUKI) wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t take some of the theatrical performance he displays in lynch. with him in

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Rides In ReVellion // A new single & a new member

黎 (KuRo), TaJI, 椿 (Tsubaki) and 渚 (Nagisa) already mentioned that they would make “the most important announcement in the history of Rides In ReVellion” in their recent interview with us, and that was a big announcement indeed!


MORE THAN WORDS & 志雄 (Shiyu)

Not only is the band

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縁 (Enishi) // Reveals details for first full album “旬華愁灯” (Syunkasyuutou)

Our friends from 縁 (Enishi) have revealed the details for their first full album “旬華愁灯” (Syunkasyuutou). This includes the artwork and tracklist for both editions of the release.

You can find these details below:

The Wizard Store edition comes with 12 songs, a live DVD containing a 25-minutes digest

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Rides In ReVellion // Ride the wave of revolution

Rides In ReVellion isn’t exactly a brand new name in the ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) scene, since they already started sharing their music with us fans in 2015. Since then the lineup has changed a little, but currently the group exists out of four members: vocalist 黎 (Kuro), guitarists TaJI and 椿 (Tsubaki) and

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縁 (Enishi) // First full album 旬華灯 (Shunkasyutou) announced

Over the last few months 縁 (Enishi) have been releasing four different singles through both their live shows and David’s webshop, but according to SUI all copies of these singles have officially sold out.
This does give him the opportunity to make an announcement through his Twitter: 縁 (Enishi)

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摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera) announces new live-limited single “翠玉のワルツ” (Suigyoku no Waltz)

During their last live show of this year 摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera) made an announcement which was also shared through Twitter shortly after.

They have announced that their new single, titled “翠玉のワルツ” (Suigyoku no Waltz), will be released as a venue limited single during their 16th Anniversary Live

View More 摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera) announces new live-limited single “翠玉のワルツ” (Suigyoku no Waltz)

DEVILOOF // Major debut and new mini-album “DAMNED” announced

DEVILOOF have announced that they will be making their major debut through Toukuma Japan Communications, which comes as a little bit of a surprise to not just fans, but also the members themselves.

A one-man live show commemorating this major debut milestone will be held at 渋谷CLUB QUATTRO (Shibuya

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G.L.A.M.S // The 14th Livestream Concert has been announced

Mikaru has announced that the 14th livestream concert from G.L.A.M.S will be taking place on Wednesday, December 28. Just before the end of the year.
Just like the other livestream concerts the cast will exist out of Mikaru on vocals and Yudai on guitar.

The stream is planned to start at 20:00 Japanese

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ゼラ (Zera) // The new single “マジュラス” (Majurasu) is planned for November

ゼラ (Zera) are about to release their new single, titled “マジュラス” (Majurasa), on November 16, 2022!

Before ゼラ (Zera) the group originally formed as a session band 麺はコシが命 (Menwa Koshi ga Inochi) in 2018, before turning into a time-limited project named “モア” (More) in April

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Ashmaze. // The new single サイレン (Siren) is planned for December

Ashmaze. are about to release their new single, titled “サイレン” (Siren), on December 14, 2022!

Ashmaze. formed in late 2019 and exists out of members who we’ve previously seen in IGGY, BLESSCODE, VETIQUE, Far East Dizain and LACK-CO. The group released their first mini-album “錯覚”

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Aki no Matsuri // Three days of “Japanese Culture Appreciation” in Switzerland

From October 7 to October 9 the Mehrzweckanlage Teuchelweiher in Winterthur (Switzerland) was transformed into a Japanese theme especially for Aki no Matsuri. With a market, Japanese food, bubble tea, anime, manga and cosplay the first impression of the event is like any other. The basic elements

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Zeke Deux // “To go further, we have to grow stronger.”

Zeke Deux are still a relatively young group, but despite the young age of the project, the experience the members bring to the group is quite overwhelming on it’s own. Existing out of Kakeru (ex-Scarlet Valse) on vocals, Haruka (ex-the Reveude) on guitar and Maya (ex-LuLu) on bass as members, and “project

View More Zeke Deux // “To go further, we have to grow stronger.”