大蛇 (OROCHI) // European Tour 2014 / “Squall of Emotions” (support) at P60

During 砂月-SATSUKI-‘s “Squall of Emotions” tour 大蛇 (OROCHI) was the support act for the solo artist during his stop at P60 in Amstelveen on December 6 to play his show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.

We also went to check out their performance, and took

View More 大蛇 (OROCHI) // European Tour 2014 / “Squall of Emotions” (support) at P60

砂月-SATSUKI- // “I want you to feel more emotions after listening to my songs.”

You might know 砂月-SATSUKI- as the vocalist of the ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) band “Rentrer en Soi”, which was active between 2001 and 2008, but 砂月-SATSUKI- decided to launch his solo career in 2009 to “pierce his own musical aesthetics and create a new world of music”.

Since the start of his solo works he has

View More 砂月-SATSUKI- // “I want you to feel more emotions after listening to my songs.”

Scarlet Valse announces new live DVD “Remind of Secret Eden”

Scarlet Valse are about to release their new live DVD, titled “Remind of Secret Eden”, on February 14, 2015!

The DVD will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the official release date is set for the mid-February you can secure your copy early at live shows, starting at

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LIV’ERT announces new album “ANIMA”

LIV’ERT are about to release their new album, titled “ANIMA”, on January 21, 2015!

The album will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the official release date is set for the late January you can secure your copy early at live shows, starting at the release party

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Synk;yet announces new single “愛憎のファムファタール” (Aizou no Femme Fatale)

Synk;yet are about to release their new single, titled “愛憎のファムファタール” (Aizou no Femme Fatale), on March 4, 2015!

The single will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the official release date is set for the early March you can secure your copy early at live shows, starting

View More Synk;yet announces new single “愛憎のファムファタール” (Aizou no Femme Fatale)

Tokami announces new single “Luminescence”

Tokami are about to release their new single, titled “Luminescence”, on January 21, 2015!

The single will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the official release date is set for mid-January you can secure your copy early at the release party held in 池袋CYBER (IkebukuroCYBER)

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Rose Noire announces new mini-album “Sanctuary”

Rose Noire are about to release their new mini-album, titled “Sanctuary”, on January 21, 2015!

The album will be released through Darkest Labyrinth, and even though the official release date is set for mid-January you can secure your copy early by purchasing it at the oneman live show

View More Rose Noire announces new mini-album “Sanctuary”

THE SOUND BEE HD announces new mini-album “DAWN OF THE DEAD~屍の夜明け~” (DAWN OF THE DEAD ~Shikabane no Yoake~)

THE SOUND BEE HD are about to release their new mini-album, titled “DAWN OF THE DEAD ~屍の夜明け~” (Shikebane no Yoake), on January 14, 2015!

The album will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the official release date is set for the mid of January you can secure your copy early

View More THE SOUND BEE HD announces new mini-album “DAWN OF THE DEAD~屍の夜明け~” (DAWN OF THE DEAD ~Shikabane no Yoake~)

@loid joins Nico Jam Records

The popular event “NICO☆JAM” has given rise to a new record label, which will be added as a sub-label to Starwave Records. And the very first artist to join this label is @LOID!

@LOID are about to release their very first single, titled “Bre@k out!”, on January 14, 2015!


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ミサルカ (Misaruka) announces new album “The Butterfly Effect ~In the Romeo & Juliet~”

ミサルカ (Misaruka) are about to release their new album, titled “The Butterfly Effect ~In the Romeo & Juliet~”, on January 14, 2015!

The album will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the official release date is set for mid January you can secure your copy early starting

View More ミサルカ (Misaruka) announces new album “The Butterfly Effect ~In the Romeo & Juliet~”

Calmando Qual announces new best of album “Freaks -select collection 2001~2014-“

Calmando Qual are about to release their new best of album, titled “Freaks -select collection 2001~2014-“, on January 14, 2015!

The album will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the official release date is set for mid January you can secure your copy early starting

View More Calmando Qual announces new best of album “Freaks -select collection 2001~2014-“

LIV’ERT announces first MV collection DVD “Psycho Resonance”

LIV’ERT are about to release their first DVD, titled “Psycho Resonance” on November 26, 2014!

The DVD will be released through Starwave Records, and even though the official release date is set for the end of November, you can secure your copy early by purchasing it as early as October

View More LIV’ERT announces first MV collection DVD “Psycho Resonance”