摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera) // A Europe tour in July

The winter has been raging over Europe, but in order to warm everyone up for summer a little early, 摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera) have announced they’ll be coming to Europe for a tour in late June and early July!

During the tour they will visit Finland, the UK, Germany, Poland, France and The Netherlands

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PLASTICZOOMS // A show at P60 in Amstelveen

On Thursday, March 9, PLASTICZOOMS will have their show at the P60 Poppodium in Amstelveen.

Tickets are on sale now, and you can obtain one through the website of P60, TicketMaster and all Primera shops.
Rather have a VIP upgrade? If you have a regular ticket you can purchase a VIP upgrade through the website

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Versailles // Finally back in Europe after a long hiatus

I don’t think I have to introduce Versailles to any of you, right? Given their track record here in Europe and how pretty much everyone who has ever heard of ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) knows their name?

Well, we all know Versailles has been on a hiatus for a few years now already while vocalist KAMIJO works on his

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BAND-MAID // “BRAND NEW MAID” European Tour 2016 at MTC

During their “BRAND NEW MAID” European Tour 2016 BAND-MAID stopped at MTC in Cologne on October 13 to play their show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.

We also went to check out their performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos

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For the very first time in their career, the guys from NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST will be visiting Europe for a short tour.

During the tour they will be visiting the UK, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Russia, and eventually end their tour with a tour final in Finland for a total of 9 shows in 7 different


砂月-SATSUKI- // “EPOCALIPSE” European Tour 2016 at OshareCon

During his “EPOCALIPSE” European Tour 2016 砂月-SATSUKI- stopped at OshareCon in Nieuwegein on March 19 to play his show for the fans visiting the convention.

We also went to check out his performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos on our portfolio, Arlequin

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大蛇 (OROCHI) // “RYU” European Tour 2016 at OshareCon

During his “European Tour” 龍 (RYU) (since he is the only remaining member from 大蛇 (OROCHI)’s original lineup) stopped at OshareCon in Nieuwegein on March 19 to play his show for the fans who were visiting the convention.

We also went to check out his performance, and took some photos while

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龍 (RYU) // Samurai rock in a modern era

If you’re familiar with the ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) scene here in Europe, 龍 (RYU) isn’t a new face for you. While known by merely his first name in Japan, here in Europe he’s always performing under the name 大蛇 (OROCHI).

But what is 大蛇 (OROCHI) exactly? Since 龍 (RYU) has a very unique stage performance that

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砂月-SATSUKI- // “I like being here at OshareCon because Oshare expresses happiness in Japan.”

The last time we spoke to 砂月-SATSUKI- was at the end of 2014, when he was on tour to promote his new album “Squall of Emotions”. In that interview he already said that he gained a lot of inspiration from this tour, and that clearly wasn’t a statement to keep people happy. 砂月-SATSUKI- is currently back in Europe

View More 砂月-SATSUKI- // “I like being here at OshareCon because Oshare expresses happiness in Japan.”