Rides In ReVellion announce new single “夜明け最前線” (Yoake Sanzaizen)

Rides In ReVellion have only just finished their 8th anniversary oneman live show “∞-infinity-“ at GORILLA HALL OSAKA, and they’ve already announced both a new single titled “夜明け最前線” (Yoake Saizensen / Yoake Frontline) and a oneman tour titled “DAYBREAK FRONTLINE”.

The new single “夜明け最前線” (Yoake Frontline – which is the title we’ll use for the rest of this post because of the tour poster sporting this title as well) will be released on September 12, 2023.
Aside from the title no further information has been announced yet, but we’ll update this post when more info is revealed.



The oneman tour is scheduled to start on September 16 in 心斎橋SOMA (Shinsaibashi SOMA), and end with a tour final on December 23 in OSAKA MUSE.

The official tour poster for the “DAYBREAK FRONTLINE” oneman tour 2023.
The full schedule for the tour is as follows:
09/16 (SAT) – 心斎橋SOMA (Shinsaibashi SOMA)
09/17 (SUN) – 神戸PADOMA (Kobe PADOMA)
09/22 (FRI) – 渋谷近未来会館 (Shibuya Kin Mirai Kaikan)
09/23 (SAT) – 川崎セルビアンメイト (Kawasaki Serubi Animate)
09/24 (SUN) – 浦和Narciss (Urawa Narciss)
09/30 (SAT) – 京都GROWLY (Kyoto GROWLY)
10/01 (SUN) – 滋賀BARI-HARI (Shiga BARI-HARI)
10/14 (SAT) – 札幌Crazy Monkey (Sapporo Crazy Monkey)
10/15 (SUN) – 札幌Crazy Monkey (Sapporo Crazy Monkey)
10/21 (SAT) – 福井CHOP (Fukui CHOP)
10/22 (SUN) – 金沢gateBlack (Kanazawa gateBlack)
10/28 (SAT) – 福岡Queblick (Fukuoka Queblick)
11/03 (FRI) – 姫路Beta (Himeji Beta)
11/04 (SAT) – 松山SALONKITTY (Matsuyama SALONKITTY)
11/05 (SUN) – 高松DIME (Takamatsu DIME)
11/11 (SAT) – 和歌山 CLUB GATE (Wakayama CLUB GATE)
11/12 (SUN) – 奈良NEVER LAND (Nara NEVER LAND)
11/18 (SAT) – 岡山CRAZYMAMA 2ndRoom (Okayama CRAZYMAMA 2ndRoom)
11/19 (SUN) – 松江AZTiC canova (Matsue AZTiC canova)
11/23 (THU) – 柳ヶ瀬ants (Yanagase ants)
11/26 (SUN) – 浜松FORCE (Hamamatsu FORCE)
12/17 (SUN) – 池袋EDGE (Ikebukuro EDGE)
12/23 (SAT) – OSAKA MUSE


More about Rides In ReVellion

Rides In ReVellion

2015 / 2025

🎂 05/27


🎂 12/19

🎂 12/18

🎂 11/12

🎂 11/23

Owner, Eigenaar, Dueña, オーナー of  | Website

雪 (Yuki) is the owner and driving force behind Arlequin.
She originally started the project in 2009 as a photographer under the name of Arlequin Photography, but developed an interest in journalism and translation ever since. Because of these interests interviews and reviews were added to the project, until it eventually hit the limits as a "photographer" in 2021, and Arlequin Magazine was added to the mix.

雪 (Yuki) is a native Dutch speaker with a graphic design degree, which means she is also the main person behind Arlequin Creations.
After all these years, she's still the one responsible for the interviews and most of the live photography you see here at Arlequin, but the majority of reviews and behind-the-scenes work is also done by her.

The reviews she writes are from the viewing point of an overseas fan, and thus written in English before being translated to Dutch, Spanish and Japanese. In the English versions she also tries to explain the meaning behind certain kanji or song titles to the readers, but what you don't see here is that these explanations are omitted in the Japanese versions in order to appeal to these readers more.

She speaks Dutch and English on a native level, but also understands Japanese and German.

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